Camp Blue Ridge Welcomes New Directors
Story by Tiffany Doss
Camp Blue Ridge, Potomac Conference’s retreat center located in Montebello, Va., recently welcomed Ray and Jannette Queen as their new camp directors. The Queens have served in camp ministries with the Florida Conference for 19 years—four years at Pine Lake Retreat Center and 15 at Camp Kulaqua.
“We are passionate about connecting children and families with God and His nature,” says Ray. “We are both service leadership-minded and love anything that takes us closer to nature and God. Our intention is to use summer camp, which, in my opinion, is the best youth evangelistic tool that our church has, to build upon this cornerstone that was set many years ago to grow our church. We are excited to see what God has in store!”
The Queens say their vision for Camp Blue Ridge is to create an atmosphere that allows the Holy Spirit to reach every person who enters its gates. Some of their three-year goals are to make the camp structurally sound and expound upon the natural beauty the mountains offer.
“We are pleased to have Ray and Jannette join our team,” says Bill Miller, president. “As we spoke and prayed together, it’s obvious they have a real commitment to camp ministries and our youth, and a desire to create an environment to connect with Jesus. Our administration is grateful for the addition of these members to the Potomac team.”
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