CAMCON Communicates Purpose, People, Practice
Story by LaTasha Hewitt
Recently Allegheny East Conference’s Communication Department held its fourth annual Connection and Ministry Communication Conference (CAMCON) on their campus in Pine Forge, Pa. Presenters used the theme “Crafting the Landscape of Communication: Purpose, People, Practice” to share on topics such as writing stories people want to read, using social media as an evangelism tool and learning how to create quality videos right from your cell phone.
One conference tradition is to work collectively on a puzzle to build teamwork and comradery among attendees. It provides an opportunity for them to learn from and motivate each other. During breaks, they were able to complete the 750-piece puzzle in just two days.
A new feature added to the conference experience was an anointing service, held Sabbath morning. Two of the pastors in attendance anointed each person and prayed over their life and ministry.
Another first for the conference was the CAMCON Awards Banquet, where churches who excelled in areas such as website, video production, bulletin and social media received special recognition. Every attendee received a certificate and accepted the commission to go forth and spread the gospel through communication.
“The conference covered all the areas of the role of a communication director, highlighting new tools to utilize in sharing the message,” shares Doreen Coleman, an attendee and director of the communication team from the University Heights church in Somerset, N.J. “The presentations were rich, and the delivery was interactive, making the experience more interesting and memorable.”
The CAMCON experience will continue with monthly webinars for communication leaders and pastors.
Click here for more resources from Columbia Union communicators.
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