Allegheny West Conference Embraces New Staff Members
Story by Benia Jennings
Allegheny West Conference (AWC) family have quickly embraced Kyle John-Baptiste and Max Gomez, both recent Class of 2019 graduates from Oakwood University (Ala.) and the newest AWC staff members.
A native of the U.S. Virgin Islands, John-Baptiste says he is looking forward to his time in Columbus. He comes onboard as an auditor within the Treasury Department and an information technician for the conference office.
“My first month has been pretty amazing,” comments John-Baptiste. “I’ve met so many great people and have been able to accomplish a lot in a short time. I’m grateful to my colleagues for making me feel so at home. I think it’s great that the conference is welcoming to recent graduates and willing to allow us to use our talents in ministry.”
Gomez joins the conference to directly work with youth evangelism and church planting. With a passion for young people, Gomez believes firmly in meeting people where they are, and that God is no respecter of persons. He has served in numerous Young Adult ministry leadership roles while at Oakwood and is known for his creative and innovative approach to sharing the gospel message.
“God is crazy about all of us,” says Gomez, “and the best thing that we can offer folks is Jesus; He really is the answer. With a health reform message, along with Adventist education, we really do have an important message to share with the world.”
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