Adventist HealthCare Rehabilitation Receives White Oak Certificate of Need Approval
Story by Clarencia Stephen
Adventist HealthCare Rehabilitation (Adventist Rehabilitation) is excited to announce it has received approval for its White Oak Certificate of Need from the Maryland Health Care Commission. The approval allows Adventist Rehabilitation to move its services from Takoma Park to Adventist HealthCare White Oak Medical Center (White Oak Medical Center) in 2020.
“We look forward to offering our skilled rehabilitation services to the community in a new, state-of-the-art treatment facility,” said Brent Reitz, president of Adventist HealthCare Rehabilitation. “We will fully transition our services to White Oak Medical Center within a year after construction begins this spring.”
For more than 18 years, Adventist Rehabilitation has provided high-quality rehabilitative services throughout Montgomery County. As part of the approval, Adventist Rehabilitation will offer inpatient services such as stroke and amputee care, in addition to brain and spinal cord injury programs at White Oak Medical Center.
White Oak Medical Center opens Aug. 25, 2019, to serve patients in Montgomery, Prince George’s and surrounding counties. Located off Rte. 29 at Cherry Hill Road and Plum Orchard Drive in Silver Spring, the hospital will combine the latest treatment technology with a modern, enhanced patient care environment.
The new rehabilitative care spaces will offer private patient rooms, natural light and green spaces designed to promote healing.
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