We’re Celebrating 50 Years
Editorial by Darren Wilkins
As we celebrate Spring Valley Academy’s (SVA) 50th anniversary, we’ve chosen to highlight the “Year of Jubilee” for our school theme. In the Old Testament, jubilee was that wonderful time of debt forgiveness, freedom for slaves and restoration for the downtrodden. Jubilee was a reset. A new start.
Jubilee at SVA means drawing inspiration from the vision of our founders and casting our eyes forward to a bright new future. It means letting go of grudges; being better the next 50 years than we were in the first 50. Most of all, we’ll remember that Jesus is the personification of jubilee. He is the One who heals the broken-hearted, restores sight to the blind, releases the captives and proclaims the year of the Lord’s favor. We can shower these blessings on others because we have received them from Him. I’m looking forward to a fantastic “Year of Jubilee” at SVA.
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