SASDAC Celebrates 30 Years
Story by Tiffany Doss
Members of the Southern Asian church in Silver Spring, Md., recently celebrated 30 years of God’s faithfulness. “Everyone joined to embrace the history and celebrate what lies ahead,” says Franklin David, pastor.
In the late 1950s, many Southern Asian Adventists migrated to areas in the Potomac Conference and held church services in their homes. In the 1980s, they approached conference administration with a request to establish a Southern Asian church. David established a company as a volunteer leader, and, within two years, the congregation grew to 250 members. Today the church is attended by more than 900.
Special guest speakers for the celebration weekend included Dan Jackson, North American Division president; Dave Weigley, Columbia Union president; and Bill Miller, Potomac Conference president. Guest of honor Chris Van Hollen, a U.S. senator from Maryland, expressed his great affection and connection to Southern Asian countries and the Adventist church, as he was born in an Adventist hospital in Karachi, Pakistan. Van Hollen also spent several years in Sri Lanka and India.
“This country is stronger because of the support of people that come from all nations,” Van Hollen said. He commissioned those in attendance to rededicate themselves to God and continue to reach out to others in the spirit of fellowship. He also presented a commendation from the U.S. Senate, honoring David for 30 years of dedicated service to the community (pictured).
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