Reaching Everyone, Everywhere
Editorial by Gary Gibbs
"Everyone, Everywhere” is the essence of Jesus’ command to “Go and make disciples of all nations.” Pennsylvania is included in the everywhere, but just who is everyone? The answer gets to the heart of our mission.
Pennsylvania is the sixth most populous state with 12.8 million people. They come from diverse backgrounds—each group a mission field requiring unique methods to reach for Jesus. As you look at the varied groups, ask, “What can I and my church do to reach them?” God may use you to plant a church among Indians, Chinese or Vietnamese people—we don’t have any churches for these nationalities. Or you may hear God say that you need to reach the millions of whites, blacks, Hispanics or other groups. There is so much potential for everyone, everywhere in our conference.
Total Member Involvement is necessary to fulfill Jesus’ command. As we each invest our time, talent, tithe and treasure to the work here in Pennsylvania, we will see God’s church grow exponentially. Together, we can reach everyone, everywhere for Jesus!
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