Pennsylvania Farmer and Chaplain Baptized
Story by Tamyra Horst
Doug Seipt is a fifth-generation dairy farmer from Easton, Pa. His parents taught him to work hard and do good. For a long time, Seipt believed those two things would be enough for salvation. His wife Bonnie’s strong Adventist faith was a constant reminder to him of what God desired, and when Seipt learned that Doug Batchelor, Amazing Facts president and speaker, would be at the Pennsylvania Conference Camp Meeting, his goal was to get baptized during this event.
Seipt studied the Bible twice a week—around snow storms and birthing calves—with David Muth, first elder of the Walnutport church. At camp meeting, Bonnie and her mom watched Mark Dekle, pastor of Walnutport, baptize Seipt.
Sandy Amorosa (pictured) fell in love with God’s Word as a little girl and committed her life to serving Christ. After attending seminary, Amorosa worked as a chaplain in Prison Ministries for 17 years. One day a member from the Capital Area church in Mechanicsburg, gave her a magazine that had a “free Bible studies” ad inside. She visited the Amazing Facts website and enrolled in Storacles of Prophecy, by Batchelor. “I wondered what he had to say that I hadn’t heard before,” Amorosa shares. “There was a lot.”
The study led her to the Sabbath, the Adventist church and she decided to be baptized by David Sanner, pastor of the Harrisburg church, during camp meeting.
Last year more than 550 people chose to be baptized in Pennsylvania Conference churches— the most ever in one year. “It was such a blessing to see Doug and Sandy both give their lives to Christ in baptism!” states Gary Gibbs, president. “As everyone everywhere gets involved in this year’s Faith for Family evangelistic initiative, we believe God is going to do an even greater work,” says Tim Bailey, ministerial director.
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