Our First Priority
Editorial by Rick Remmers
What is important to you? What are the things you most want to accomplish? The Chesapeake Conference has established our priorities, and the first is very simple: Evangelism and Outreach.
Why would this be a top priority? Is it because everyone is excited to hit the proverbial sawdust trail and become a public evangelist? Or maybe people are eager to go door to door distributing literature and enrolling people in Bible studies. Perhaps members in your church are ready to open up a soup kitchen and start a tutoring program.
The reality is that in most churches, only a few people are enthusiastic about such outreach activities. So, why make evangelism and outreach a top priority? Well, because it is important to Jesus. It was an important part of the ministry He modeled for His disciples and us. In fact, Jesus’ parting directions to His followers was the great commission to “Go.”
Yes, Jesus could empty the courts of heaven and get all His angels to do evangelism and outreach. But the amazing truth is that He asks us to be His voice and hands in reaching out to people.
Do you remember the story of the demoniac whom Jesus rescued? The demons left their victim and caused a herd of swine to drown in the Sea of Galilee. The villagers asked Jesus to leave, and the demoniac-turned-disciple wanted to go with Him. But instead, Jesus told him, “Go back home, and tell people all that God has done for you” (Luke 8:39, FBV).
Do you see the simplicity in Jesus’ plan? Go and tell! Start with your home, and then branch out. Tell about your experience with Jesus. It is not complicated. Every one of us can do it. And in doing so, we accept Jesus’ priority.
Rick Remmers serves as the president of the Chesapeake Conference.
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