Ohio Conference Welcomes New Treasurer
Story by Heidi Shoemaker
After prayerful consideration, the Ohio Conference Executive Committee voted over the weekend to approve Michael D. Gilkey, J.D. as new conference treasurer. He and his wife Joanne are expected to join the conference team later this month. He is brother-in-law to Jon Butler, previous Ohio Conference undertreasurer and a retired North American Division Auditor.
Gilkey met several times with conference leadership and the Ohio Conference Personnel Committee. “While he has not served as a conference treasurer, he has held senior level executive positions in many organizations which will equip him for his role as treasurer,” says Ron Halvorsen Jr, Ohio Conference president. “We believe his skill sets as a proven problem solver, experience with large budgets and projects, and expertise with technology will benefit the Ohio Conference. We as a (personnel) committee strongly recommended him to the executive committee.”
Gilkey, who recently served as director of Compliance and LEAN for the Lincoln County Health System in Tennessee, is an attorney with extensive executive experience in risk management. LEAN is the process, developed by Toyota, which analyzes work flow and eliminates unnecessary steps, reducing expenses and focusing on delivering quality services. During his interview with the Ohio Conference Personnel Committee, Gilkey said he “’knows what he does not know,’ and as such seeks counsel and insight to matters that are not clear or familiar in order to deliver a successful outcome.”
As the Ohio Conference transitions to their new office building in Kettering, Gilkey’s experience coordinating “virtual teams” with members located in different geographic regions will be valuable. “Michael communicates with clarity and purpose, supporting team members with resources,” says Halvorsen. “He has repeatedly brought people together to successfully achieve different tasks and meet big goals.”
Gilkey replaces Karen Senecal, who left last summer to accept a position with the General Conference Auditing Service.
Constituents can meet Gilkey at the upcoming April town hall meetings, and at the May 6 constituency meeting in Worthington.
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