Ohio Conference Hispanic Ministries Launches Online Radio Station
Story by Heidi Shoemaker
"[Earlier this year], a new, bright light illuminated the entire state of Ohio and beyond,” says Peter Simpson, Hispanic Ministries coordinator for the Ohio Conference, adding, “[This light] is STAR ON—STereo Adventist Radio ONline (Stereo Adventista).” Six months later, the station has an average of 1,200 daily listeners, with up to 1,600 on weekends.
Conveniently located on the top floor of the First Cleveland Spanish church, the internet-based radio station evolved by “the Hispanic Ministries department envisioning a means to enlighten the territory of the Ohio Conference with the three angels’ messages, and, at the same time, nourish, encourage and teach church members,” says Simpson. “STAR ON will be a permanent light for the church in Ohio, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, preaching and teaching the gospel of Jesus.” The station presently offers 10 live programs.
The site also enables users to search for an Adventist church near their home, request Bible studies, learn about Ohio Conference Hispanic events and find other Adventist resources.
Simpson’s son, Roy, conference assistant treasurer, is one of the on-air personalities for “Youth Sabbath,” a program focused on the youth and young adults in Ohio. “There are different topics and [segments], but the most important thing is that [young people] feel connected to the program,” says Roy. “What I like the most about the program and the radio station is that it provides more room for people to be involved in ministry.”
Peter says the Hispanic church members have received this radio station with unprecedented excitement. Many Adventist listeners have even called the station to express their gratitude to God and to the Ohio Conference for such an important initiative.
“Now we feel connected, united and stronger to preach the gospel,” said one member who called the station one Friday night. “We have no excuse! We now have all the tools needed at hand to preach the gospel in Ohio,” said another caller.
STAR ON’s reach extends beyond Ohio, as listeners throughout the U.S., Mexico, Central and South America, Dominican Republic and even Spain have connected with station managers. Peter prays that “by the grace of God, [the station] will be ON until Jesus’ second coming!”
To listen online, visit stereoadventista.org.
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