New Jersey Conference Elects First Female Treasurer
Story by Ricardo Bacchus
After prayerful consideration, the New Jersey Conference (NJC) Executive Committee unanimously elected Karen L. Senecal this week as their new treasurer. She will be the first female to hold this position and will join the conference team January 1, 2019.
“We welcome Karen Senecal to the family of the New Jersey Conference. [Her] experience and passion for the mission of the church will be a blessing to the NJC,” says Jorge Aguero, president.
Senecal currently serves as the audit senior for the General Conference Auditing Service (GCAS), working from the Columbia region in Columbia, Md. She has a Master of Arts in Teaching in Business Education from Andrews University (Mich.) and a Master of Business Administration in Accounting from the University of Texas at Arlington. She received her Certified Public Accountant certification in 2001. Prior to working at GCAS, she was the treasurer for the Oklahoma Conference and the Ohio Conference.
“Like the other conferences where I’ve worked, New Jersey Conference is focused on spreading the gospel and furthering the mission of the church,” says Senecal. “The difference is that the New Jersey Conference is spreading the gospel in large cities and in several different languages. These differences present a new challenge, and I’m looking forward to helping in any way I can.”
Senecal replaces Joel Tompkins, who now serves as treasurer for the Northern Asia-Pacific Division in South Korea.
The New Jersey Conference has 92 churches, six companies, 16 church plants and five schools, including one day academy.
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