Lay Leadership Training Grows in Number, Locations
Story by Tamyra Horst
Pennsylvania Conference’s 10-month Lay Leadership Training program has expanded once again. Twenty-seven individuals recently graduated from the training, led by volunteer lay pastor Lance Moncrieffe, and are now further prepared for service in the Lord’s work.
Over the past year, to facilitate wider training opportunities for students, the program has grown from one location to two—Reading in the east and Pittsburgh in the west. It has also grown from one training coordinator to three, adding Stewart Pepper, pastor of the Pittsburgh and New Brighton churches, in the west, and volunteer lay pastor Clarence Harris from the Hershey church in the east. Four new instructors, Gary Banks, Orlando Moncrieffe, Andrea Parchment and Lillian Torres, joined the new program, bringing the total of instructors to 11.
An additional five-month enhanced lay-pastor training has been added to the program, which will run at a third location in Philadelphia. The five-month enhanced leadership curriculum includes training for efficient church administration, practical pastoral work, organized evangelism efforts, spiritual counseling, conflict resolution and enlightened Bible study and sermon preparation.
Both the 10-month training and the five-month extended training began in August. Learn more at paconference.org.
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