Laborers Together with God
Editorial by Gary Gibbs
Our Pennsylvania leadership team and Executive Committee members have been praying for unity across our conference. This fall we saw an example of what happens when God’s people unite for a common mission, as more than 1,820 members met at 23 central Pennsylvania churches to go door-to-door, distributing invitations to the Faith for Family (F4F) evangelistic series, praying with people and inviting them to study the Word of God. Powerful things happen when God’s people come together.
More than 110 people filled the Ephrata church—which typically has less than two dozen people attending on Sabbaths—as members of the Hamburg, Kenhorst Boulevard in Reading and Allentown churches partnered with them. When Hamburg member Ellen Lazo realized that the Ephrata church couldn’t offer children’s classes during their upcoming meetings, she and her family, along with several others, offered to bring their VBS supplies and minister to the children whose parents attended the meetings. This passion surprised and thrilled Ephrata members. Lazo, who recently joined the Pennsylvania Conference as Children’s Ministries director, says she just wants to work together to share Christ with kids.
Working together is developing lasting relationships. Buddy Goodwin, pastor of the Philadelphia Boulevard church, spoke during last year’s F4F evangelistic series at the Washington Heights church in Apolla, where one person chose baptism. Washington Heights members invited Goodwin to speak again this fall, where 11 additional people became members through baptism. Five more are continuing to study.
Join me in praying for this unity to grow as we labor together—not only with each other, but with God, as we reveal Jesus and make disciples in our communities across this state.
Gary Gibbs is president of the Pennsylvania Conference
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