Hispanic Work in Mountain View Conference Continues to Grow
Story by Walter Cardenas
Recently God has multiplied the efforts on behalf of the Hispanic community in the Mountain View Conference. Just a few years ago, there were less than 50 attendees at the conference’s first Hispanic Camp Meeting. This year’s camp meeting held over Labor Day at Valley Vista Adventist Center in Elkins, W.Va., brought more than 120 attendees. Charleston, Lewisburg, Moorefield, Morgantown and Summersville members represented their churches. It was a weekend of exhortation, motivation and commitment to God and His mission.
Mike Hewitt, conference president, challenged the congregation opening night to stay faithful and continue to grow in numbers so that the youth chapel would not be large enough to hold their camp meeting. The theme, “¿Quien Soy?” (Who am I?), provided many answers. Guest speaker Peter Simpson, Ohio Conference’s Hispanic Ministries coordinator, preached on Christian identity and what the Christian’s mission is on earth. “We are ‘the voice of one crying in the wilderness.’ We are called to proclaim the truth of Jesus Christ,” Simpson preached.
Rubén Ramos, vice president of Multilingual Ministries from the Columbia Union, shared keys to living a victorious Christian life. He also took a walk down memory lane by referencing Quelman Quiroz’s (pioneer of the Hispanic work in MVC and a member of the Moorefield Spanish Company) vision of beginning something in MVC for Spanish-speaking people.
Camp meeting attendees celebrated four baptisms: three candidates from the Moorefield Spanish (W.Va.) company, pastored by Heroes Sical; and one who received Bible studies from Gustavo Parada, pastor of the Charleston Spanish church plant.
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