Hernandez-Ble Joins Pennsylvania Team
Story byTamyra Horst
The Pennsylvania Conference administrative team recently welcomed Horacio Hernandez-Ble as the new associate treasurer. A graduate of Southern Adventist University (Tenn.), Hernandez-Ble has served on the auditing staff for the General Conference Auditing Service (GCAS) and as an auditing intern for the Georgia-Cumberland Conference. He has also worked for Gospel Ministries International in McDonald, Tenn., and Mile High Academy in Highlands Ranch, Colo.
“We are so happy that God answered our prayers to have a mission-minded professional who is so knowledgeable in accounting and finance,” states Carlos Charnichart, conference treasurer. “Horacio has more than three years of experience working with GCAS, [before] recently working as a director of finance for Mile High Academy. We believe that we have a good team to do God’s work in our treasury department.”
Originally from Mexico, Hernandez-Ble moved to the states as a child and enjoys hiking, camping and the outdoors, and says he is looking forward to exploring Pennsylvania.
Hernandez-Ble fills the position left open when Karen Schneider accepted the invitation to serve as treasurer for the Nevada-Utah Conference. Schneider was part of the treasury team for 11 years. “Karen brought a level of professionalism and positive changes to our treasury department, moving us online and updating programs so we work more efficiently,” states Gary Gibbs, president. “She has been an important part of the office team and will be greatly missed.”
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