Ephesus Church Sponsors Community Health Weekend
Story by Benin Lee
Allegheny West Conference's Ephesus church in Columbus, Ohio, recently sponsored a Community Health Emphasis Weekend. The event featured a health forum comprised of mental health professionals to discuss local mental health issues within the African-American community. As a follow up to the forum, people interested in mental health advocacy were given the opportunity to serve as advocates by enrolling and certifying in a mental health first aid course.
Later that evening, award-winning actor/director Anthony Hackett (pictured, left, with his wife, Adana) showcased his film Love Different, and discussed humor’s effect on health.
On Sunday the church held a Simulation Health Fair, which featured a Anatomage 3-D virtual imaging table (pictured, below) which allowed participants to visualize various medical conditions and effects on the body. The fair also featured eight simulation activities to allow participants to interactively learn about medicine. This included a simulated surgical lab where participants performed procedures such as identifying the patient, draping, prepping, excision of lesions, specimen collection and stapling; safe sleep simulation to prevent crib death; a teddy bear clinic; and a live scenario theater where actors performed scenarios requiring participants to respond to persons with stroke, choking and cardiac arrest symptoms.
In addition to blood pressure and glucose screening, two new screenings were offered: oral healthcare, performed by Kettering College (Ohio) physician assistant and Professor Tim Scanlon, along with his students; and diabetic foot screening exams, carried out by podiatry student Samuel Macenjulo and Kettering College alum.
Simulations for children ages 10 and under included fire safety, when to call 911, how to respond in an emergency and safe sleeping positions. The fair ended with a motivational presentation by Adana, a physician assistant who was given an advocacy award for her online work encouraging underrepresented young people to choose healthcare careers.
This interactive health fair brought together churches, hospitals, public service organizations and colleges to encourage people to take a more proactive approach to their health and advocate for the health of others.
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