Editorial: Thankful for Pastors' Spouses
Editorial by Becky Weigley
I wasn't planning on marrying a poor preacher. I was going to marry a teacher, someone who had summers free so we could both work at summer camp. But, 41 years ago, I fell in love and married a theology major. Back then I wasn’t what some deemed to be preacher-wife material—I wasn’t “perfect” nor could I play the piano. But like my marriage vows, stated in Ruth 1:16, I pledged, “For whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge; thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God” (KJV).
A few months in, I found myself cutting cardboard to fit into the bottoms of his “holy” shoes and searching the house for coins to buy milk and bread. Sometime later we were called to serve as the evangelist team for one conference and then another. We traveled a lot, moved our “home on wheels” six times a year and homeschooled our children. Those years were often lonely and dif cult, but that’s when we grew into the close-knit family we are today. Back then and throughout the years, we’ve been blessed by many wonderful people who saw and helped meet our needs. They brought meals to our home while we were packing to move, offered to babysit so Dave and I could go out on a date, anonymously gave money to fix our car and more.
Like everything else, ministry has changed so much in the past 41 years. The pas- tor’s spouse isn’t just the wife, homemaker or available 24/7 person who, like Superwoman, can perform unbelievable feats. Now the spouse can be either male or female, and in many cases, have their own careers and commitments.
Life is busy, and all too often it feels like there are too many responsibilities and not enough “me” to go around. Yet I am thankful for the privilege of playing a small part in God’s great work.
To my fellow ministerial spouses: I’m thankful for your faithful service and for how you use your talents and gifts in ministry. You are greatly appreciated. May God bless and strengthen you for today’s hard tasks and give you assurance of His leading as you place before Him your plans to be accepted or changed according to His master plan.
Here is some great advice given to me early on in my ministry journey: You will never please everyone. Never live your life according to what is right for someone else. Pray for wisdom. And remember, everything you go through grows you.
You are in my prayers.
Becky Weigley serves as director of the Columbia Union Conference Ministerial Spouses Association, which supports ministry spouses who serve in the union’s eight conferences.
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