Chesapeake to Host "Go, Tell, Serve" Camp Meeting
The Chesapeake Camp Meeting will be held at Highland View Academy in Hagerstown, Md., June 12-16. Visit ccosda.org for more details and link to the livestream.
Go. Tell. Serve. Three words, simple and straightforward. Yet when they are lived out in the name of the Lord, the impact is both profound and eternal.
Jesus modeled these three words for us throughout His life, and, as His followers, He directs us to go in His name and do likewise—to go and tell of His love and grace, to serve others as though we are doing so for Him. This is the purpose in His call to follow Him.
Essential to our effectiveness is that we ourselves know Jesus and accept His love and grace. When we have a personal experience with Him, we have a message to share and a pure motive to serve others.
At the Chesapeake Conference Camp Meeting this year, we will discuss how to know Jesus, share Jesus and minister to others in His name. Our prayer is that all will draw closer to Him so we can return to our homes and churches better prepared to “Go. Tell. Serve.”—Rick Remmers, president
Camp Meeting Special Guests
Weeknight Speaker
Mike Tucker is the speaker/director for Faith For Today Television and host of the award-winning show, Lifestyle Magazine. Drawing on current research and his training in counseling, Tucker also conducts “Mad About Marriage” seminars, designed to bring hope and healing in marriages. He has devoted his life to ministry, and his career is marked by service to God and his community. Tucker has served as a pastor, counselor, Bible teacher, youth pastor, ministerial secretary, senior chaplain and author.
Weekend Speaker
Jose Rojas currently serves as president of MOVEmentum, a ministry that mobilizes people through teaching principles of servant-leadership. As an ordained Adventist pastor of 34 years, approximately 20 of those years Rojas served as director for Youth/Young Adult Ministries and Volunteer Missions at the North American Division.
Morning Worship Presenter, June 12-15
Steven Mosley is a prolifc author, presenter and producer. As a Telly and Angel award-winning producer and scriptwriter, Mosley expands on the Word of God in creative ways. For decades he has led evangelistic efforts and outreach worldwide. Mosley’s Chosen Garment: The Whole Bible in One Act, a 42-minute, one-man presentation full of story, dialogue, character and music, has made a big impact in churches across America.
Featured Musician
Denique Isaac is currently pursuing her Master of Music in voice at the Jacobs School of Music (Ind.) under the tutelage of Patricia Stiles.
She completed her bachelor’s degree in voice performance at Washington Adventist University (WAU) in Takoma Park, Md. She has traveled extensively throughout Western Europe, South Africa, Australia and across the U.S., singing with WAU’s Columbia Collegiate Chorale and ProMusica, American Music Abroad and other notable choirs.
Accomodations and Meal Tickets
To reserve a dorm room/trailer site, or to pre-purchase meal tickets, please visit ccosda.org/CM2018. Trailer sites longer than 40 ft. must be reserved by telephone. For questions or online registration help, please contact Lynzee Brival at (410) 995-1910.
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