Breath of Life Revival Nets 70 Baptisms at North Church
Story and Photos by Christopher C. Thompson
The Breath of Life Television Ministries recently concluded its 2018 Fall Revival, resulting in 70 individuals choosing baptism and joining Allegheny East Conference’s North church in Philadelphia. This evangelistic campaign, a joint effort between Breath of Life and the North church featured Carlton P. Byrd, Breath of Life speaker/director, who, for two weeks, preached nightly on the foundational doctrines of the Seventh-day Adventist message.
Under the leadership of Marquis D. Johns, pastor, members prepared for this revival with several initiatives over a two-year period. These included a prayer conference call twice per week; a community block party; two free dental and optical clinics; financial literacy classes; free babysitting services (certified by the American Red Cross); and a “thank you” dinner for first responders in the local community.
Also, in preparation for this campaign, Breath of Life Bible instructors canvassed the church community six weeks prior to the revival, soliciting Bible studies and praying with residents.
During the revival, in addition to the preaching ministry of Byrd, nationally renowned music artists Kurt Carr and the Kurt Carr Singers, Maurette Brown Clark and other local musicians shared their music ministry. Revival attendees received regular meals, grocery giveaways and valet parking to circumvent on-street parking challenges near the church. Byrd commented on the revival, saying, “We must use compelling methods to reach contemporary, urban residents. The vast majority of urbanites have no church affiliation. Innovative public evangelism is key.”
Johns adds, “Instead of merely asking God to bless what we were doing, we decided to do what He blesses.”
While the revival may have concluded, the work at the church has just begun, as the church’s ministry leadership team has their sights set on the work of discipleship and nurture. With this in mind, they have established a new discipleship class, and leaders are also planning to launch a new emotional health ministry to provide additional support to members and community residents alike.
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