Allegheny East Conference Hosts 'The Art of Communication'
Story by LaTasha Hewitt
The Allegheny East Conference’s Communication Department recently hosted its third annual Connection and Ministry Communication Conference (CAMCON), themed “The Art of Communication.” Attendees included pastors, communication leaders and team members representing some 20 churches.
Presenters included Alvin Kibble, vice president for the North American Division (NAD); Celeste Ryan Blyden, vice president for Strategic Communication and Public Relations at the Columbia Union Conference; Michelle Makariak of Technologies for Worship; Howard Bullard Jr., visual communication professor; Jamie Domm, Social Media + Big Data strategist for the NAD; Samuel Neves, associate communication director for the General Conference (GC); Jennifer Gray-Woods, associate general counsel for the Office of General Counsel; Ruth and Joshua Annan from Annan Productions; and Lonny Nelson of Adventist Church Connect.
Seminars included copyright compliance, social media, streaming, videography and visual communication. In addition to seminars, attendees participated in Sabbath worship, group discussions and daily group prayers.
The Communication Department is working toward organizing area communication groups, and encourages all leaders to contact lhewitt@aecsda.com to be added to the list. The next conference is scheduled for April 25–27, 2019.
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