Temple Emmanuel Celebrates 100th Anniversary
Story by Bryant Smith
One hundred years ago, the world was much different than it is today. The Temple Emmanuel church in Youngstown, Ohio, however, remains a constant force for good. The church was organized in 1917, first meeting in homes, later at a YMCA, then at a rented facility and finally in their own church building. The members of Temple Emmanuel enjoy a rich history of God’s faithfulness and blessings.
To launch their 100th anniversary month, special guest speakers were scheduled each Sabbath in January, including William T. Cox Sr., Allegheny West Conference president, and former presidents James Lewis and Henry Wright, who concluded the series and commemorated this milestone. “One hundred years is something to be incredibly proud of,” preached Wright.
In addition, the Deliverance Mass Choir from Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Mich., added their voices to the celebration as Adventist members from near and far, local pastors and community guests attended this historic occasion.
The church looks back fondly on their journey, remembering all that God has done, and excitedly anticipates the future, knowing that the best is yet to come! “This [celebration] has really energized Temple Emmanuel, and we are excited about where we can go from here,” says Mike Orange, head deacon.
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