Spencerville Adventist Academy Students Experience "Soup Miracle"
Story by Heidi Wetmore
Students from the Spencerville Adventist Academy Campus Ministries department lead a monthly outreach program to help homeless neighbors in Washington, D.C. During each outing, students serve warm vegetable soup and hot drinks, prepare food and donate and collect clothing and other supplies to 75-150 homeless people. To make this ministry possible, academy students participate in donation drives throughout the year to collect needed items.
During a recent trip to feed the homeless, the group had prepared nearly one-third less soup than normal. It was a cold day, and the serving line kept growing. “We reached the point where our soup typically begins to run low,” says Tim Soper, campus chaplain, “but the line of people still stretched on and on. I checked the soup pots, and there was still soup.”
The team continued to serve; the soup continued to flow. “I started checking more often, but the soup didn’t seem to go down fast at all,” Soper recalls. “The very last ladle full of soup fed the last person in line. We are absolutely certain that we fed about 50 more people than normal, and we were so excited to be able to witness a miracle firsthand.”
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