Sixteen Teams Place First at Columbia Union Pathfinder Bible Experience
Story by V. Michelle Bernard / Photos by Iliac Martinez
Sixteen Pathfinder Bible Experience (PBE) teams from the Columbia Union Conference will continue on to the North American Division finals in Chicago April 21-22.
Those sixteen teams from nine Pathfinder clubs placed first at the Columbia Union PBE event March 18 at Pennsylvania Conference’s Blue Mountain Academy in Hamburg, Pa.
During the event, Pathfinders answered questions about Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians and I and II Timothy. Twenty-three teams (captains and coordinators from each pictured above) from 16 clubs competed in the Columbia Union event. To place first, a team must answer 90 percent of their questions correctly.
“The knowledge the Pathfinders have on these Pauline Epistles is awesome and something that will be with them for the rest of their lives. It’s wonderful to realize that Satan is defeated by these Pathfinders every time they study the Word,” says Pamela Scheib, event coordinator and Pennsylvania Conference Pathfinder director (pictured front row, right with other conference coordinators in photograph below).
Scheib added that the event took place in an academy gymnasium for the first time this year. “We’ve ‘outgrown’ the churches in our union, which is a great ‘problem’ to have.”
First Place Teams Include
Akron Crusaders – Didaskalia (Ohio Conference)
Akron Crusaders – Epistles
Beltsville Broncos – Faithfulness (Potomac Conference)
Beltsville Broncos – Joy
Beltsville Broncos – Peace
Bethlehem Eastern Trumpets – A (Pennsylvania Conference)
Bethlehem Eastern Trumpets – B
Genesis Jaguars (Allegheny East Conference)
Liberty Lightbearers (Allegheny East Conference)
New Brunswick Joshua (New Jersey Conference)
Pikesville Tigers (Chesapeake Conference)
Piscataway Eagles – Amethyst (New Jersey Conference)
Piscataway Eagles – Onyx
Piscataway Eagles – Ruby
Piscataway Eagles – Sapphire
Triadelphia Sparks (Chesapeake Conference)
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