Pennsylvania Members Undertake a Mighty Movement
Story by Tamyra Horst
With the Faith for Family evangelistic campaign just one weekend away, more than 1,820 people from across the conference joined members of 23 central Pennsylvania churches in door-to-door outreach. They focused their efforts on communities hosting Faith for Family seminars.
This mighty movement of Adventists represented a diverse cross section of ages and cultures. “Sixteen members of the Pittsburgh church, ages 10-84, made the more than four-hour trip to assist the Hillcrest church in Wellsboro,” reports Kathy Pepper, whose husband, Stewart, pastors the Pittsburgh church.
Ninety-year-old Clifford Calhoun and his 87-year-old wife, Rita, drove approximately 60 miles to serve the Lewistown church. For three hours, they distributed Faith for Family door hangers and talked with residents about the upcoming evangelistic meetings.
Pittsburgh member Paul Miovas was determined to be a part of the event even though he uses a walker. Cindy Wilcox and John Rundell, members from the Hillcrest church in Mansfield, distributed literature at an apartment complex and then at store parking lots. Several people they met seemed interested in the upcoming evangelistic meetings.
Members shared invitations with thousands of individuals, along with Glow tracks and other literature. As a result, the Lancaster, York and Harrisburg Hispanic churches, plus many more churches across central Pennsylvania, received more than 100 Bible study request cards.
Sixty-five Blue Mountain Academy (BMA) students volunteered to spend their Sabbath afternoon with Faith for Family. Sophomore Misgana Lebso knocked on the door of a woman whose husband had recently passed away. Lebso and other students offered to pray with the woman. “You are the rst people to pray with me since my husband died,” she tearfully told them.
In a recorded video message, Ted Wilson, General Conference president, shared, “[The) Faith for Family initiative is an ideal opportunity for everyone to be involved in some way.”
Gary Gibbs, conference president, had a wonderful experience. He states, “I felt so blessed to be part of the Pennsylvania Conference as I saw our churches come together for the cause of Christ. ... What we did this Sabbath is the best de nition of who we are— God’s witnesses for this hour to share with others
the truth of our loving and soon returning Lord. Let’s continue to experience Total Member Involvement as we reach our part of the world for Christ.”
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