Bethel French Church Sponsors Certified Nursing Assistant Class
Story by LaTasha Hewitt
The Bethel French church in Trenton, N.J., recently graduated 17 students in a church-sponsored Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) program. Recognizing the need to equip members with skills for acquiring employment, Luckson Innocent, church treasurer, birthed the idea.
The Bethel church partnered with Yves Annie Ervilus, dean of the Broadway Vocational Technical School, LLC, in Camden, N.J., to conduct a five-week program. At the completion of the program, participants were certified to seek employment as a CNA.
At a special service, the Bethel church affirmed the church and community member graduates. The program included musical selections, words of encouragement and special presentations. After the certificates were distributed, awards were also given to those instrumental to the program’s success. This is the first of many courses the church has planned for its members and community.
“It is God’s grace to have our first graduation in Bethel French church. We plan to continue the health skills program and also include a commercial driver’s license class,” says Wilfrid Louis-Jean, pastor. For more, watch AEC Today at visitaec.org.
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