A Shining Light
Editorial by Rick Remmers
The Advent celebration is synonymous with lights. They decorate our neighborhoods, malls, trees and homes. When we look in the gospel accounts of the first advent of Jesus, we find the angels appearing to the shepherds with a brilliant light. Their presence or message could not be missed—Christ had come.
Then there was the star from the east leading wise men to the humble dwelling to see Jesus. The light of the star provided a guide for those who were willing to find the One who would light the world.
We also find that the description of the second advent includes great light. Jesus’ return will light the world like lightning flashing across the sky. The brilliance of Jesus along with all the angels of heaven will be a source of hope for the faithful and dread for the wicked.
Jesus declared to His followers, “ ‘You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden’ ” (Matt. 5:14, NKJV). When we walk with Jesus, His light fills us, and there is a natural outflow which impacts everyone within our influence.
So Jesus instructs us to, “ ‘Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven’ ” (Matt. 5:16, NKJV). It is implicit that we can either choose to let our light shine or keep it hidden.
In 2017 I encourage you to intentionally let your light shine. “Just Ask” is a tagline we’ll use to remind ourselves to invite someone to a special event or worship service at church. Or you can just ask someone with a spiritual need or interest if they would like to study the Bible. Each of us can let our light shine with a simple invitation.
Rick Remmers is president of the Chesapeake Conference.
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