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Baptismal Candidates waiting for their turn in Vineland, N.J.

More than 300 Baptized During Caravan of Hope

The Caravan of Hope, an evangelistic campaign featuring international evangelist Alejandro Bullón and involving more than 100 churches across the Columbia Union, has already celebrated more than 300 baptisms.


Story by V. Michelle Bernard

The caravan has stopped in eight spots in New Jersey and Ohio, and welcomed 272 new members in New Jersey. Jorge Aguero, coordinator of the Caravan of Hope in New Jersey and the New Jersey Conference personal ministries director, says they expect more baptisms this weekend.

“The Holy Spirit was poured over the state of New Jersey. It was the result of an evangelistic plan of action of small groups with lay members and pastors from the beginning of the year. It was proven that small groups bring great results,” shares Aguero.

Read an update on the Caravan of Hope here.

Peter Simpson, coordinator for the Caravan of Hope in the Ohio Conference and Ohio Conference Hispanic Ministries director, reports that 20 people were baptized during the meeting in Cleveland. “The church has been revived once more and many more are still awaiting for a new chance to take the final decision for the Lord. The Caravan of Hope have left, but we’ll stay here bearing more fruits for the Master, he says.

Sergio Romero, director of Multicultural Ministries for the Allegheny West Conference (AWC), reported that 31 people were baptized into Columbus-area churches. Romero notes that several AWC churches involved also held crusades before the Caravan of Hope stopped in Columbus. Allegheny West Conference celebrated 53 baptisms in total.

The caravan will make eight more stops in Ohio, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Maryland.

The caravan is led by Rubén Ramos, Columbia Union vice president for Multilingual Ministries.

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