‘Daughters Arise’ at Capital Memorial Church
Listening to a group of middle- to high school-aged girls talking in the potluck line, Jeanene Medley, a member of Potomac Conference's Capital Memorial church in Washington, D.C., heard a small voice ask, “Who is taking these girls under their wing?” It was in this moment that Medley felt called to develop a mentorship program built on the pillars of faith, empowerment, love and sisterhood.
“Daughters Arise” soon came to fruition and now meets once a month. The mentors—young adult women who come from diverse backgrounds—answer questions and share life experiences with younger girls. They also delve into personal hardships and how to deal with life’s tough choices—like school and career considerations. But first and foremost, the mentors ensure that the gatherings focus on finding spiritual renewal, strength and reaching others outside the group with words of encouragement, cards and gift bags.
The group is currently studying the book of Esther and took the opportunity to hold a Ms. Cultural Pageant in order for each woman to celebrate their heritage. “We wanted to highlight that it’s OK to be proud of where you come from and who you are,” says Medley. “One mentor stressed we are never just one thing—we are powerful, beautiful, smart, and God has a purpose for all of us.”
Currently the group has approximately 10 mentors and 10 mentees who appreicate the community that is growing amond the different generations. "We are building that bond and camaraderie together, Medley continues. "The program teaches, inspires, motivates and encourages all who are involved."
Medley says in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic that the group will be making the switch to virtual get-togethers. “Mentors will also be sending notes to mentees to let them know we are thinking of them and are still here for them,” she says.
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